ArcaneKnowledge.org includes well-researched essays on the history and development of Catholic doctrine and practice, including annotated documents of ecumenical councils.
Essays and Commentaries
- Succession of the Popes
Explanatory list of papal claimants.
- Commentaries on the Ecumenical Councils
Historical background and analysis of canons. (First 9 councils and part of Vatican II currently available.)
- On the Efficacy of Prayer (2021)

Reviews scientific studies attempting to measure the objective efficacy of prayer on physical healing.
- The Priority of St. Matthew’s Gospel (completed 2020)
Historical-critical treatment of the synoptic problem.
- Capital Punishment as Self Defense in Catholic Ethics (2019)
Reviews development of Catholic teaching on capital punishment in light of human dignity and the duty of charity.
- Origen and Origenism (completed 2019)
Examines the controversial doctrines of Origen and his followers.
- Obsessing over Infallibility (2019)
Critiques the abuse of criteria of infallibility to circumscribe the authority of the living Magisterium.
- Reconciling Hesychasm and Scholasticism in the Triads of Gregory Palamas (2017)
Compares essence-energies theology and uncreated light of Greek Orthodox hesychasm with Latin Scholastic concepts.
- The Origins of Original Sin (2016)
Historic origins of the doctrine of original sin in Jewish, Apostolic and Patristic testimony.
- Historiography of the Apparition of Guadalupe (2013)
Discussion of source documents establishing the historical basis of Guadalupan tradition.
- Cherem: The Israelite Wars of Destruction (2012)
- The Synoptic Apocalypse (2010)
Exegesis of the apocalyptic discourse in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
- Exegesis of Exodus (2008)
Discussion of the history, law, and theology of the Book of Exodus.
- The Dark Night of the Soul - A Précis with Commentary (2008)
An examination of St. John of the Cross’ spiritual classic, contrasted with some modern misinterpretations.
- Commentary on Genesis (2007)
An examination of the literal meaning of Genesis, based on anthropological, historical, and linguistic research.
- Christianity and Catholicism in the United States (2007)
Overview of challenges to orthodox Christianity posed by American political ideology.
- The Reform of the Roman Liturgy (2007)
A comparison of the 1962 and 1970 Roman Missals, and the English translation of the latter.
- The Composition of the Second Eucharistic Prayer (2007)
A comparison of the Second Eucharistic Prayer with the Canon of St. Hippolytus.
- Consecration in the Anaphora of Addai & Mari (2007)
The implications of the Vatican’s 2001 approval of the Assyrian liturgy are examined.
- The Authentic Message of La Salette (2007)
A discussion of the original messages of La Salette, contrasted with spurious versions.
- A Revised Chronology of Israelite Kings (2005)
An original attempt to harmonize Biblical data with Assyrian chronology.
- On the Comma Johanneum (2002)
A study of the Johannine Comma and its implications regarding the authenticity of the Vulgate.
- Analysis of the Wittenberg Theses (2001)
Luther's ninety-five theses are interpreted in their historical context.
Source Texts and Other Catholic Resources
- The original essays on this site are intended to be consistent with Holy Scripture and the Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church, as expressed by the decrees of the Magisterium past and present.
- The external resources linked to this site are thoroughly examined and found to be consistent with Catholic orthodoxy and obedience to the Holy See.
- The decrees of the Second Vatican Council and subsequent pontiffs are regarded as orthodox and consistent with the perennial teaching of the Church. Thus, in cases of ambiguity, modern decrees are always interpreted in a manner consistent with what the Church has solemnly defined in earlier centuries. This site rejects the schismatic notion that the post-Vatican II Church is heterodox, as well as the revisionist notion that the Council revoked or rendered obsolete any of the solemn definitions of the pre-Conciliar period. As a result, historical comprehensiveness is essential to all our analysis.
- The principles of Thomistic theology are accepted as most clearly and unambiguously teaching the truths of the Catholic faith, as well as being harmonious with a rationally sound realist philosophy. Other theological approaches are possible, as long as they do not contradict the clearly established theses of Thomistic philosophy.
- Biblical exegesis follows the principles established in Providentissimus Deus,
acknowledging that the Holy Spirit is the true author of Holy Scripture, assenting to anything that is asserted by the inspired authors. Since it is metaphysically impossible for the Holy Spirit to assert falsehood, we must affirm as true anything that the inspired authors of Scripture intended to assert as true.
© 2005-2021 Daniel J. Castellano. All rights reserved.