U.S. Imperialism Backfires in the Caucasus

After fifteen years of American imperial encroachment into Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Russia has finally reasserted itself as a power in the region, as its invasion of Georgia takes advantage of the United States’ preoccupation with the Middle East. The U.S., through NATO, has systematically sought to encircle and break Russia as a world power, and the American lust for global hegemony has succeeded only in reviving Russian nationalism, which could threaten the U.S.’ more vital interests in the Middle East.

The Georgian conflict can only be fully understood in a broader geopolitical context, where the United States, through NATO, has attempted to expand its influence all the way up to the borders of Russia. The American public has a short memory, so their leaders can get away with baldfaced lies, as long as they wait several years. For example, President Clinton, following his predecessor, assured the Russians that NATO would not expand into the former Soviet empire, yet in 1998 Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were admitted, followed by Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 2004, the last three being former Soviet republics. With talk of missile defense systems in Poland and the expansion of NATO into the Ukraine and Georgia, Russia declared its national security was threatened by Western encirclement.

American assurances that NATO expansion is not directed against Russia ring hollow in light of its other false promises. It will be remembered that NATO promised in 1999 to respect Serbian (then Yugoslav) sovereignty over Kosovo, only to completely renege less than a decade later. The Kosovo affair has striking parallels with the Georgia conflict, as it was obvious that the West wanted Kosovo to secede, yet they invaded on the pretext of defending the locals from war crimes, which turn out to have been exaggerated by an order of magnitude. It took extraordinary chutzpah for Western commentators to ridicule Russia’s similar rationalization for invading Kosovo, but fortunately the public has a short memory. Imperialists seek to change facts on the ground through force, and then legitimize these changes after the fact. Imperialist hypocrisy is by no means monopolized by the Russians. The West opposes Russia not on principle, but as rival imperialists. The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband (grandson of a virulently anti-Russian Trotskyite) accuses Russia of having “a nineteenth century approach to politics,” an ironic claim, considering the UK’s participation in the cynical dismemberment of Yugoslavia (in the Bosnian and Kosovo wars), followed by regime changes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The U.S. clearly tried to play the provocateur in Georgia, as it has been arming and training the Georgian military, which now has rockets and tanks at its disposal to suppress secessionists. A month before the war, over 1,000 U.S. marines were at Vaziani military base, training Georgians in combat maneuvers. Short of a major failure of American intelligence, the U.S. certainly knew of Georgian intentions to invade South Ossetia, but did nothing to prevent it.

Yes, to be clear: Georgia invaded South Ossetia first, not the Russians, contrary to what our beloved “free” press has proclaimed in lockstep. True, there had been shelling of Georgian towns by secessionists, but this had been going on for years, and hardly merited a full invasion. A similar situation has prevailed on Israel’s border with Lebanon. There has always been periodic shelling from militias, so Israel can choose a “retaliatory” invasion any time she pleases. The question, in Georgia’s case, is why President Mikheil Saakasvili chose this particular moment to “retaliate”.

Saakasvili had long promised to restore Georgian rule over the separatist enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which have long enjoyed de facto independence and Russian support. South Ossetia declared its autonomy from Georgia in 1990, a year before Boris Yeltsin dissolved the Soviet Union. In the early 1990s, there was a series of ethnic conflicts in which the Georgians claim as many as 300,000 ethnic Georgians were expelled from the disputed territories. Notwithstanding its support of the separatists, Russia has recognized Georgian sovereignty over South Ossetia and Abkhazia through the UN. Of course, the NATO countries had also recognized Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo, so we know how little that means, as imperialists will seek to change conditions on the ground in order to legitmize political change. The Russians were clearly looking for an excuse to declare the independence of these territories, as shown by their long term military mobilization. Undoubtedly, the recognition of Kosovo’s independence and talk of incorporating Georgia into NATO played a role in Russia’s timing.

As for Saakasvili, he was under pressure to secure Georgia’s borders in order to attain NATO membership, so that may have influenced his timetable. The Georgians and the Americans were certainly aware of the Russian military mobilization, yet the invasion proceeded anyway. They seriously expected Russia to stay out of the conflict, tragically underestimating the Russian will. No longer would Russia meekly step aside as the West determined political outcomes. Yeltsin’s failure in Kosovo led to his replacement by strong nationalists who would rebuild the Russian military, which is much more capable than it was in 1999. More importantly, its economic strength is such that it cannot be cowed by threats of isolation, as we shall see shortly. Finally, the Americans overreached.

On 7 August, hours after declaring a unilateral ceasefire, Saakasvili ordered an attack on South Ossetia in response to escalated shelling of Georgian villages by South Ossetians. Georgia invaded South Ossetia on 8 August, killing hundreds, and burning their capital of Tskhinvali to the ground, including houses, the school and the hospital, according to refugees. Civilians were deliberately targeted, giving justification to Russian accusation of war crimes, though not on the scale of thousands killed that the Russians claimed. The Georgian president declared “Georgian military forces completely control all the territory of South Ossetia” except for the northernmost part.

As we know, the Georgians and the Americans miscalculated terribly, as Russia did retaliate, and more importantly, did not back down in the face of international condemnation. The imperialist bluster of the Americans and their allies was exposed as empty rhetoric. The countries in Russia’s “near abroad” know that American aid offers little protection, as Russian troops easily cut of transportation from Georgia’s ports, and came within 40 miles of the capital Tbilisi. The only alternative to such an invasion would be to roll over and submit to U.S. hegemony. Astoundingly, the Americans seriously expected Russia to do the latter, victims once again of their own hubris, as in Iraq.

Defeating Georgia is not a particularly impressive military achievement, yet Russia’s ability to assert itself in defiance of the West signifies an important shift in Eurasian geopolitics. The Americans certainly dare not engage the Russians militarily, and even their threat of economic warfare no longer holds the potency it once did. Stock price falls due to political panics are short-lived, as 9/11 confirmed. At any rate, support for the South Ossetians is sufficiently strong in Russia that they will not be cowed by a mere threat to their pocketbooks. Russia, with its vast natural gas and oil reserves, its space program, and its role as the world’s leading military supplier, is virtually guaranteed an ascendant role in the global economy. Like China, it is increasingly able to demand pragmatic acceptance even from those ideologically opposed to its political regime. The Russians will demand recognition as a regional power, and the West will ultimately oblige, as they sacrificed principle at the Beijing Games, in order to continue to do business. For businesses are ultimately unpatriotic, and in the long run will seek to undo any punitive sanctions.

Whither Russia? She will not join the WTO, but such membership is probably unnecessary, as dozens of bilateral agreements are already in place to facilitate trade, without subjecting Russia to the retaliatory trade wars that have occurred between the U.S. and Europe through WTO arbitration. Nor will Russia have to abandon state agricultural subsidies – she will retain full autonomy over her economy, while WTO nations have sacrificed legislative independence on the altar of neoliberal economics. Excluding Russia from organizations like the WTO will only enhance her status as a world power, as she is unconstrained by the rules that bind others, who nonetheless will continue to do business with Russia out of necessity.

Russia has sent notice to the U.S. that no longer will the Caucasus be its stomping grounds. The U.S. has overreached in its imperialist ambitions and provoked the resurgence of an assertive Russia. American interest in the Caucasus is marginal and largely economic, but antagonizing Russia may compromise cooperation on more important areas of interest such as Iran. In all cases of course, the U.S. is concerned with economics, as business is the only reason for the empire’s existence – we are much more Carthage than Rome.

Don’t think Obama will put an end to imperialism – he’s already on record as saying he would send forces into Pakistan even without permission, and he would not rule out a nuclear first strike against Iran. How he is less of a jingoist than McCain is anyone’s guess. The Democrats are every bit as ruthless imperialists as the Republicans, as their record in Korea, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia shows. Even Carter gave us the Carter Doctrine, the prerogative to pre-emptively attack anyone who attempts to control the Persian Gulf, as if that region’s oil were American property. The U.S. has painted itself into a corner by overextending, yet it will not relinquish its empire until it is torn away piece by piece.

Why Feminists Are Bad at Math

The recent push to promote the notion of gender equality in mathematical aptitude, contrary to the overwhelming bulk of psychometric data, is itself ironically a demonstration of mathematical illiteracy. Just as it is horrible scientific practice to cherry pick studies indicating the desired result while ignoring all others, so it is terrible mathematics to make inferences about statistical variance from facts about the mean. Allow me to clarify.

Large-scale psychometric analyses have consistently found a stable discrepancy between males and females in cognitive test performance. The difference in the statistical mean or average is small, favoring men by about 2.5 IQ points according to the best analysis, but the most marked difference is not in the mean, but in the variance. There is significantly greater variance among males than among females. This means males outnumber females at both ends of the spectrum, so there are more male dullards and geniuses, a fact consistent with most people’s recollection of their classmates.

Distribution of general intelligence factor by sex; for math ability, the gender disparity is slightly greater, in both mean and variance.

The current Science study touting gender equality actually confirms that male variability in math ability is greater, by a factor of 1.11-1.21, consistent with results back in 1960 (variance factor: 1.20, mean difference 0.12 std dev, N=73,000 15-yr olds). This aspect of the study is downplayed by the media, even among scientific journals, since it leads to some politically undesirable facts.

As the authors of the Science paper admit, the gender discrepancy in variance means that at about two standard deviations above the male mean, there should be twice as many males as females. So if the threshold for performance in a science or engineering program was at two standard deviations above the mean, we should expect there to be twice as many males as females, based on mathematical aptitude alone. In reality, the most demanding physics and engineering programs only accept people three to four standard deviations above the mean, which would make the male to female ratio even greater, consistent with the 85%-15% male-female split in most top science and engineering programs. Harvard President Larry Summers made precisely this point in the infamous speech that cost him his job, at the instigation of feminist faculty who ironically displayed their own mathematical ineptitude.

All of this contradicts contemporary social dogma, yet is entirely consistent with common sense. It is far more credible that the consistent discrepancy in variability, seen across cultures and time periods, is the result of a real difference in aptitude rather than the product of discrimination. Indeed, gender stereotyping is more likely to take place in the home than at liberal institutions of learning, especially at the highest levels. If social factors were the cause of gender disparity, we should expect this to diminish as students progress to higher levels of university education, becoming further removed from their family’s influence and more engaged with socially liberal university culture. In fact, we see the exact opposite, as the gender disparity becomes more pronounced as students progress to higher degrees. Thus feminists are left with the absurd accusation that science and engineering departments are biased against females. Anyone familiar with university life should know better than to believe such nonsense, as faculty and administrators take special care to offer opportunities to females and minorities.

The disparity between male and female mathematical aptitude is barely noticeable at the median level. A little extra industriousness would be enough for females in the middle of the pack to perform equally with males in math class or even a bit better. In fact, in cultures where girls are academically industrious, we do see slightly better average grades for females in primary and secondary math class, probably owing to better study discipline, again consistent with common observation. However, at the highest levels, the aptitude disparity is too great for very many females to compensate with greater effort. The gifts of mental quickness and astute intuition are needed in order to do math at a high level with the facility required in a fast-paced working environment. The difference in gender variability may be used to calculate the expected male-female split among mathematicians in the National Academy, Fields medalists, and Putnam competition top performers. The computed values correspond closely with reality, comporting with the hypothesis that membership in these categories is indeed merit-based.

It is striking that the Science study still shows the same discrepancy in variability by gender, despite the fact that it uses the SAT, which was redesigned in 2002 to be less of an aptitude test and more of an achievement test. Verbal analogies were eliminated, since minorities performed poorly on these, and the math section now places less emphasis on speed and intuition, instead focusing on mastery of course material. This emphasis on achievement gives industrious females an advantage at the middle of the pack, accounting for the disappearance of the difference in mean, which still persists on true cognitive tests. Yet extra study is no substitute for genius, so there is still a pronounced gender discrepancy at the high end of SAT math performance, as the mathematically gifted can breeze through the exam with ease.

The only reason to protest these findings is political, not scientific. The gender disparity in math performance is no less well established than a reverse disparity favoring females at reading. No one questions the latter finding, in fact many feminists are proud to point to it, evincing their strange notion of equality. Similarly, race-based cognitive differences, which are even more pronounced than gender differences, even after controlling for socioeconomic status, are strictly taboo, unless perchance they are in favor of the supposedly oppressed minority.

This deep hostility to any finding that contradicts the contemporary myth of equality of aptitude across demographic categories is misguided. Gender- or race-based disparity in math and science aptitude is no cause for dismay or bigotry, if we understand what statistical statements about groups signify. We are making general statements about groups via statistical averages and variances; there will still be many individual women who do well in math and science, and even some geniuses. It would be a mistake to judge an individual based on that person’s demographic group; individuals are the basis of statistics, not the product of statistics. However, it is disastrous social policy to try to “correct” aptitude-based inequalities, not only because it results in unjustified accusations of discrimination, but because it may direct individuals away from the field they would have chosen for themselves based on their aptitude and inclination. Once outside of academia, graduates will find that performance is what matters, and they will be ill-benefited by having been protected or coddled by grade inflation or some other esteem-building measure to impose a false equality.

I understand that the desire to prove equality of aptitude by race and gender is motivated by the belief in the moral equality of all people, yet neither of these equalities implies the other. Even if we admitted that all races and genders were equal in every aptitude, with the same mean and standard deviation for all groups, we would still be faced with a real variation of aptitude among individuals within each group. What then of human equality? Does a genius have greater moral, social, or political rights than a dullard? If not, then it is clear that moral equality does not depend on equality of aptitude.

The confusion between equality of human worth and equality of ability can only come about in a society that values people primarily for their abilities. This instrumentalist notion of humanity, so unworthy of human dignity, can be a constant temptation for capitalist societies, where people are valued based on what they can produce. This perverse moral philosophy can be given a social Darwinist rationale, declaring that the only attributes with value are those that have some adaptive advantage. Only when we move beyond this crass instrumentalism will people be able to face their congenital inequalities with maturity and not be perturbed by them, nor use them as an excuse to lord over one’s fellow human being, for we have human worth for who we are, not what we can do.

Keeping and Bearing Arms: A Pre-Constitutional Right?

In the landmark case D.C. v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Second Amendment right “to keep and bear arms” is an individual right. This reading is consistent with the unanimous sentiment of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as the language of the amendment. In a scholarly tour de force that dissects the Second Amendment grammatically, logically, and historically, Justice Scalia’s majority opinion argues that the purposive clause regarding a “well-regulated militia” cannot be construed as contradicting the operative clause: “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” He then eloquently shows the logical, grammatical and linguistic incoherence of the contrary interpretation, which would effectively mean that this right shall be infringed, even to the point of banning handgun ownership as in D.C.

Notwithstanding Scalia’s painstaking dissection of the issues, gun control advocates and leftist legal scholars have raised their usual canards when attacking a decision grounded in originalist jurisprudence. These themes include (1) accusing the originalist of judicial activism; (2) claiming that the Constitution has always been “dynamically interpreted;” and (3) complaining that the decision ignores “precedent,” usually some controversial twentieth-century activist decision that itself disregarded a century of prior precedent.

The laughable assertion by liberal journalists that the court majority is practicing “judicial activism” by virtue of striking down a DC statute betrays an ignorance that would shame some high school students. By that standard, anyone who supports Marbury v. Madison (1803) is a judicial activist. It is true that this decision might be considered “activist” by some hard-core originalists who do not accept “incorporatism,” the century-old doctrine that the rights enumerated in the Constitution also apply to the states by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. This doctrine allows federal courts to rule on whether local statutes violate constitutionally guaranteed rights. As mainstream liberals and conservatives alike accept this doctrine, that cannot be the basis for the accusation of activism.

Activism means more than voiding an unconstitutional state or local law, or prescribing some course of remedy, as such powers have been regarded as proper to the judiciary since the founding. The contrary of judicial activism would not be to uphold every state law, but to exercise “judicial restraint,” judging only whether the law is valid under the Constitution, not whether it is a good or bad policy. When a law is struck down because it is considered a bad law, even though it is constitutionally valid, we enter the realm of judicial activism. The archetype of such activism is Brown v. Board of Education, which did not even attempt a constitutional rationale, but was based on the supposed sociological effects of segregated schools. Miranda v. Arizona is another activist decision, prescribing a procedure of reading a suspect his rights, grounded more in the Court’s sense of fairness than in any constitutional requirement.

It would be hard to classify DC v. Heller as an activist decision, as the ruling makes no appeal to the prudence or justice of gun control laws, but judges only whether it infringes the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The majority opinion is not concerned with policy outcomes, but with establishing the construction of the Second Amendment text based on relevant historical and legal documents. One may disagree with the construction, but that does not make the decision remotely activist.

The accusation of activism is in any case insincere, as the same charlatans who complain that (1) the Court has departed from the meaning of the Amendment also claim that (2) we shouldn’t strive for original meaning, but accept that the meaning of the Constitution changes with time. Simultaneously holding both points is inconsistent and petty. Scalia presents evidence showing that the right to bear arms would have been worthless if it applied only to organized militia, since the federal government controlled the militia and the Bill of Rights was intended to restrain the federal government. Even without his exhaustive argument, the meaning of the Second Amendment should be obvious to anyone remotely familiar with the time, where the individual right to bear arms was widely assumed, and never contradicted. In 150 years of American jurisprudence, no one ever dared suggest that bearing arms was only a “collective” right; indeed, it was a symbol of free citizenship, and awarded even to blacks after their emancipation. Only those disingenuous enough to project their modern liberal views onto eighteenth-century men could deny the Court’s assessment of the original meaning of this right.

Opposing originalism is the idea of a “living Constitution” or “dynamic interpretation” or whatever Orwellian term one prefers to describe the position: “the Constitution means what we say it means.” If the Founders intended the Constitution to be easily changed in its meaning, it is hardly understandable why they took pains to make its amendment so difficult. Anyone familiar with the political philosophy of the time knows that a constitution was considered to be the most fundamental and least-changing aspect of a political state. Chief Justice Marshall likened constitutional interpretation to interpretation of a statute, and there certainly was no theory of dynamic interpretation of statutes current at the time. The law expresses the will of the legislators, which must be respected in its execution and interpretation.

The idea that the meaning of the Constitution changes (based on ideas of people who have read a little philosophy and understand even less) makes a mockery of written constitutions and laws; we would indeed be ruled by the arbitrary will of judges. What saves us from such tyranny is concern for original intention and meaning, which was the common approach of all jurists for most of this country’s history (read Justice Harlan’s dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson). The Constitution may be applied to different circumstances, and jurists may disagree as to how its principles apply to those circumstances, but the principles remain the same.

To be “progressive” often entails having a myopic view of history and contempt for the remote past. History before the social revolution is to be forgotten, except as an object of derision. After ignoring the unanimous sentiment of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, liberal scholars contend that the 1939 case U.S. v. Miller deserves a special reverence, disregarding all earlier jurisprudence. Even if such a legal theory were valid, it would not prove what they wish. Miller does not even attempt to construct the Second Amendment, much less did it define the right to bear arms to be a purely collective right. The brief ruling upheld the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act, requiring registration of firearms crossing state lines. No reading of the Second Amendment (not even that of Heller) would invalidate such a law. The Court even noted that the various States have different provisions for the right to bear arms, but “none of them afford any material support for the challenged ruling”.

The Court in Miller viewed the purposive clause of the amendment as defining the scope of arms to be borne. A ‘shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length’ did not have any “reasonable relationship” to the legislative purpose of preserving a militia. Yet it does indicate, in its discussion of early American militias, that men were to purchase and maintain their own arms, so this is by implication an individual right, though it is granted for the sake of the common defense. Without debating the merits of Miller, we can see it falls short of denying an individual right to bear arms, though it does circumscribe that right by a “reasonable relationship” to the common defense.

Heller goes further, and includes a common law right of self-defense, citing Blackstone, as the basis of the right to bear arms. This ruling goes deeper than interpreting the Constitution, for it indicates that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are prior to the Constitution, not granted by it. The right to bear arms belongs to the people, not as a gift from the federal government, but as something they held before it existed. The idea that civil rights are morally and temporally prior to the Constitution is an important step toward grounding American jurisprudence in something like natural law. Yet if Scalia scorns jurists who try to be moral philosophers interpreting natural law, he avoids this only by appealing to English common law tradition, which is our last link to the Catholic world and natural law theory, codified as an unquestioned given.